Dr. Herbert M. Koch LL.M.
Forsterstrasse 48
8044 Zürich, Switzerland
Tel.+41 78 834 14 10
Opening hours: Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. (CET/CEST = Geneva time)
In urgent cases, you also contact me on Saturday, Sunday or on a Public Holiday between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. (CET/CEST)
If I cannot be reached, please send an email. I will try to get back as soon as I get your message.
Please leave a message with your name and phone number on my answering machine, as I cannot respond during client meetings, dates with administrative bodies or while on the phone myself. I will call you back as soon as possible.
For more information regarding a course or a webinar, please send an email with your question and/or interest on the form prepared for each course or webinar. If you want to get regular information about the course program and the webinars from HMK LAW please direct your email request to herbert.koch@hmk-law.com.